Privacy Policy

ASHS Grafiction has attempted to minimize the gathering and sharing of user information on this website. This page is used to inform visitors regarding our policies with the user information we do collect if anyone uses our website.

So, what information do we collect?

In Short: ASHS Grafiction does not collect data that could reveal your specific identity without consent but does automatically collect your Internet Protocol (IP) address and browser characteristics, among others.

We automatically collect data when you use our website for analytics and the operation of our website. These include log data and device data.

    1. Log data may include information such as your IP address, web browser, pages of our website you visit, the time and date of your visit, and other information.

    2. Device data refers to information about the device (computer, phone, tablet, etc.) that you used to visit the website. Depending on your device, it may include data such as your operating system and system configuration information among others.

If there are any terms you do not agree with, an opt-out function for analytics is provided on the website’s homepage.

If you fill out our contact form, we will need your email address to enable us to respond to any of your concerns.

What happens to my information?

In Short: It stays anonymized and we use it to track pageviews and viewership for individual comics.

Your information is received through Google Analytics and stays anonymized. We do not share your information to any third-parties. Your information is used to enable us to analyze pageviews and traffic on this website in order to improve your experience browsing comics on this website.

What about cookies?

In Short: We have to if we want to use Google Analytics. You can opt-out though.

A cookie is a small amount of data sent from a web server to your computer where it is saved. We may use cookies and other tracking technologies to analyze website traffic and improve your experience. You can go to our homepage to opt-out.

Will this change in the future?

We might occasionally update our Privacy Policy. These changes are effective immediately, after they are posted on this page.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or suggestions about our Privacy Policy, do not hesitate to contact us.